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List of Annoying Mannerisms and How to Get Rid of Them

April 1, 2012

A Chronic Complainer or Whiner

Does it ever cross your mind that many people avoid those who like to grumble? You exasperate others with your constant show of dissatisfaction. You make your listeners feel miserable and stressed with your whining. You will lose friends easily with this kind of attitude.
The next time before you open your mouth, reflect on what you want to say. If it’s another complaint, why not refrain from saying it. If you have already spoken, pause and recall what you have said and change the subject to something uplifting. With practice, you can improve and change the habit.
Self Centered

Are you one who like to brag and talk only about yourself, your needs and your life. You tend to live in a world where everything surrounds only you. You can’t become a team player because you will drive people crazy with your ramblings.
One of the ways to appeal to others and develop great relationships is to show your interest in other people. People want to feel appreciated and they don’t want to keep on listening to your so called achievements. So be aware and alert. Notice the body language or nonverbal cues that your listeners are displaying.
Repeated Uncouth Behavior

Picking your nose in public, uncontrollable flatulence, nagging, slurping while eating and disorderliness are some of the annoying behaviors that upset others. Do you also have the exasperating habit of interrupting when others are speaking? You’ll drive them mad. All these show your lack of manners, clumsiness and immaturity.
Start showing some respect for others. Think of how you would feel and react if it is done unto you. And develop respect for yourself. People will like you better and you can gain more friends.
Speech, Language and Gestures

Listen to your speech or language and watch your gestures. Do you talk too loud, shout and demand? Is your language filled with vulgarity and profane? Do you scratch any part of your body, close your mouth with your hand, or crack your knuckles?
You need to catch yourself doing all these to know which are getting on other people’s nerves. Or get someone close and who understands you remind you of your irritating mannerism. Open your mind to feedback and be prepared not to get offended and
Personal Presentation, Appearance and Posture

Two things that you should not have; body odor and bad breath. Nothing makes people feel more nauseous and annoying than these two. Take your personal hygiene seriously.
When it comes to appearance, dress appropriately. Avoid slouching when you stand or walk. Hold your head high and shoulders upright and you not only reveal your confidence but also will feel that way.
There are more than these. Take a serious look if you have any of these vexing and irksome mannerisms. They do affect your future. You can overcome them if you choose to.

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